Ninth Summer School on Formal Techniques
May 18 - May 25, 2019
Menlo College, Atherton, CA
Table of Contents
Speaking Logic
Invited Speakers
Previous Summer Schools
Techniques based on formal logic, such as model checking,
satisfiability, static analysis, and automated theorem proving, are
finding a broad range of applications in modeling, analysis,
verification, and synthesis. This school, the ninth in the series,
will focus on the principles and practices of formal techniques, with
a strong emphasis on the hands-on use and development of these
technologies. It primarily targets graduate students and young
researchers who are interested in studying and using formal techniques
in their research. A prior background in formal methods is helpful but
not required. Participants at the school can expect to have a
seriously fun time experimenting with the tools and techniques
presented in the lectures during laboratory sessions.
Modular Program Verification
Peter Müller (ETH Zurich)
Viper Project page,
Viper Tutorial,
Abstract: Modular program verification constructs a correctness
proof for each program component in isolation, without considering its
clients or the implementations of the components it builds on.
Modularity makes verification scalable, allows one to give correctness
guarantees for individual components such as libraries, and reduces
the re-verification effort required by program changes.
Modular verification is especially difficult for heap-manipulating
programs, where components may interact in subtle ways through shared
memory, and for concurrent programs, where thread interleavings
complicate reasoning.
In this series of lectures, I will present a verification approach
that addresses these challenges using a notion of access permissions
for memory locations. I will introduce a permission-based program
logic (similar to separation logic) and explain how to automate
verification in this logic using standard SMT solvers. In particular,
I will present the Viper verification infrastructure, which allows one
to express verification problems in an intermediate language and
provides several back-ends that automate the verification effort.
A principled approach to software design
Daniel Jackson (CSAIL MIT)
Abstract: Design is about shaping things to fulfill a purpose;
engineering is about making them efficient and robust. Software
engineering (aka programming) has advanced in large part because we
found principles that make good outcomes more likely. For example, if
you apply the principles of representation independence, small
interfaces and information hiding, you’ll be able to contain
modifications more effectively and thus get more maintainable
Software design — which, if the word has its standard meaning, is
about shaping the behavior of software so that it meets its intended
purpose—hasn’t yet reached this stage. Today, it’s done mostly by
trial and error, and the principles that exist are primarily for user
interfaces. In these lectures, I’ll present a new way to think about
software design based on a structure that I call a concept, and will
show how a collection of simple principles can explain a variety of
design failures in familiar software products.
Model Checking and its Applications
Orna Grumberg (Technion Israel)
(Lecture 1,
Lecture 2,
Lecture 2 updated)
Abstract: Model checking is a successful automated verification
technology that obtains a system model and a specification and returns
`yes’ if the system satisfies the specification and `no’ otherwise.
As the size and complexity of systems and specifications continuously
grow, new tools and technologies are developed to cope with the new
challenges. As a result, we are capable of handling new problems in
new application areas.
In this series of talks we will present two
application areas that benefit from the new technologies. One is
program differencing, which identifies the semantic difference between
program versions. The other is program repair, which automatically
proposes repairs of buggy programs.
Introduction to Static Analysis from an
Abstract Interpretation Perspective
Kwangkeun Yi (Seoul National University)
Supplementary Note)
Abstract: Static analysis aims at discovering semantic
properties of programs without running them. Static analysis plays an
important role in all phases of program development, including the
verification of specifications, the verification of programs, the
synthesis of optimized code, and also the refactoring and maintenance
of software applications. It is commonly used in order to certify
critical software. It also makes it possible to improve the quality of
general purpose software and enables aggressive code optimizations. In
this lecture I will give an introduction to static analysis and cover
the basics of both theoretical foundations and practical
implementations of scalable static analysis tools. Firstly I will
cover general frameworks for designing correct static analyses. Then I
will cover techniques for scalable implementations of the
designs. Lastly I will cover some specialized frameworks for designing
static analysis, which are simpler than the general frameworks yet
powerful enough for specific cases in hand.
An overview of Easycrypt and how to prove
concrete security of cryptographic primitives
Benjamin Gregoire (INRIA France)
Abstract: EasyCrypt is a toolset for reasoning about relational
properties of probabilistic computations with adversarial code. Its
main application is the construction and verification of game-based
cryptographic proofs. EasyCrypt is used to prove the security of
complex cryptographic constructions.
The lectures will present
The code-based game-playing approach to computer-aided cryptographic proofs
and the connection to program verification;
and the foundations of EasyCrypt: probabilistic relational Hoare
We will present our language Jasmin and how EasyCrypt can be used
to prove functional correctness of Jasmin program, but also
relational properties like side channel resistance.
The EasyCrypt exercise sessions involved proving
- Security against chosen plaintext attacks (IND-CPA) for the Bellare and
Rogaway 1993 and the Hashed ElGammal encryption schemes;
Functional correctness of Jasmin implementation (using EasyCrypt)
Speaking Logic: Background Course
The main lectures in the summer school will be preceded by a background course on logic
Natarajan Shankar and Stéphane Graham-Lengrand (SRI CSL):
Speaking Logic
(Speaking Logic,
PVS Tutorial)
Abstract: Formal logic has become the lingua franca of
computing. It is used for specifying digital systems, annotating
programs with assertions, defining the semantics of programming
languages, and proving or refuting claims about software or hardware
systems. Familiarity with the language and methods of logic is a
foundation for research into formal aspects of computing. This course
covers the basics of logic focusing on the use of logic as a medium for
formalization and proof.
Invited Speakers
The school also includes several distinguished invited talks.
Michael Beeson (SJSU):
Formalizing Geometry
Abstract: Geometry has been an important testbed of the
axiomatic method, logic, and formalization, for over two millennia.
This talk will review the history, the axiomatics, and the use of
computer-assisted proof-finding and proof-checking in geometry.
Peter Neumann and Prashant Mundkur (SRI):
CHERI: an ISA-oriented approach for secure systems
Abstract: This talk discusses one approach of how we might
design and implement highly trustworthy hardware-software systems.
We discuss problems that must be overcome, some lessons from the
past, and recent efforts to apply formal methods systemically. We
consider ongoing efforts relating to the CHERI (Capability Hardware
Enhanced RISC Instructions) hardware instruction-set architecture
(ISA), its underlying security principles, emerging formal proofs of
the satisfaction of critical ISA security properties, and what CHERI
hardware could do to enable better total-system security.
Maria Paola Bonacina (Università degli Studi di Verona):
Overview of automated reasoning and ordering-based strategies
Stéphane Graham-Lengrand (SRI CSL):
Type Theory at SSFT
(Slides and Exercises)
Elaine (Runting) Shi (Cornell and IC3):
Rethinking Large-Scale Consensus
Abstract: Although distributed consensus has been studied
for three decades, they were not deployed at a large scale until
decentralized cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. In this talk, I will
explain why the classical theoretical foundation for distributed
systems is insufficient for capturing the robustness and game
theoretic properties we care about for new decentralized
environments. Specifically, I will demonstrate why almost all
classical "synchronous" consensus protocols are underspecified and
thus unimplementable in practice. I will then describe a new model
called "best-possible partition tolerance" that allows us to achieve
honest-majority consensus while providing resilience to
network partitions (the combination of which was classically
deemed impossible due to a well-known lower bound by Dwork, Lynch,
and Stockmeyer).
Previous Summer Schools on Formal Techniques
Information about previous Summer Schools on Formal Techniques can
be found at
Jay Bosamiya of CMU has blogged about the 2018 Summer School at
Registration for SSFT19 is now closed - check back next year